About Charlie

How Does EyePal Work?
The EyePal is a modern adaptation of the century-old peep sight, which most people relate to as a pin hole sight (remember those pin hole camera experiments back in school?). The EyePal enables you to simultaneously see the target, your front and rear sights — all in focus. And since its made out of a static cling material, it can be easily placed on and off of reading, prescription and safety glasses — without marring the surface or leaving any residue. Compact, lightweight and virtually indestructable, the EyePal is the ultimate addition to any shooters kit.
Typically, the eye “sees” a huge amount of visual information, information that includes, say, a target. The target shooter is only interested in the target — the rest of the peripheral visual information is not useful and not needed. However, as shown in the far right image below, the peripheral vision is there and useful for added situational awareness.
Using the EyePal provides the target shooter with three advantages:
-The EyePal aperture provides maximum depth of field
-The resulting EyePal image is a sight picture with sights and target at any distance in sharp focus.
-The peripheral vision is obscured by the black Occluder of the EyePal, creating extra contrast for good sight and target acquisition

“It stays on my shooting glasses with no additional help. It is light and very easy to move around without loosing the adhesiveness. I am glad that it was available when my other one is so cumbersome and falls off when aiming at the target. Now my sights and target are clear. Thanks for developing such a useful shooting tool.”
Frits, USA